4 - 5 OCTOBER 2024


Axle Clean and Press for Reps
Men’s – 130.00 KG or 150.00 KG or 160.00 KG
Women’s – 70.0 KG or 90.00 KG or 100.00KG
Amateur’s – 100.0 KG or 120.00 KG or 130.00KG
Either the first event on day 1 the first event on day 2 depending on Human Anchor Event
- Athletes must choose axle press weight before entering the stage.
- No changing of axle press weight during your attempt.
- 100 Seconds, AMREP. Weight beats any amount of reps.
- Arms fully extended, knees locked out, await for down call before proceeding to next rep.
- Ranking based on number of reps only. Same Reps will share points.
Athletes can continue the rep as long as the axle was lifted off before the timer ends.
- Belt Clean is allowed.
Equipment Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Chalk
Call Sequence: Athlete Ready, Judges Ready, Go

Extinct Natural Stone to Shoulder
Men’s – 156.0 KG (1 POINT)
Women’s – 82.5 KG (1 POINT) or 107.0KG (6 POINTS)
Amateur’s – 107.0 KG (1 POINT) or 156.0KG (6 POINTS)
Women’s and Amateurs will have this as event 2. Men’s will have this as event 4. (Afternoon on both days)
- 150 Seconds AMREP
- 20 Seconds will be given beforehand for athletes to adjust their stone’s initial position which they prefer.
- Only one hand supporting the stone, upon showing total body control and stability for a second, with knees locked out, wait for down call before proceeding to the next rep.
- Ranking based on number of event points. The same event points will share end points.
- Athletes can continue the rep if stone is lifted off before the timer ends.
Equipment Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Chalk, Tacky Cloth, Wrist Wraps
Call Sequence: Both palms on the chosen first stone. Athlete Ready, Judges Ready, Go
Warm Up Stones in Ballroom (Chalk Only): 40KG, 60KG, 80KG, 100KG, 120KG, 140KG

Max Axle Deadlift from the floor
Men’s – 300.00 KG, 320.00 KG, 340.00 KG, Free Call
Women’s – 140.00 KG, 160.00 KG, 180.00 KG, Free Call
Amateur’s – 200.00 KG, 220.00 KG, 240.00 KG, Free Call
The last event of Day 1 – Evening
- Opening Weights are shown above, athletes can choose to start at any opening weight or directly attempt a higher weight. 30 Seconds time limit to perform the lift after straps in place.
- Each athlete only has 2 attempts. (Might be increased to 3 depending on number of athletes present)
- Second attempt weight choice can be lower than the first attempt weight choice.
- Ranking based on max weight lifted. Same weight will share points.
Equipment Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Deadlift Suit, Wrist Wraps, Chalk.
Call Sequence: Straps in. Athlete Ready, Judges Ready, Go

The Human Anchor - Arm over Arm and Grip
Event Schedule will be based on morning weather conditions.
This might be first event of Day 1 or Day 2 depending on the sun.
All Categories – 23 Tonne Yacht
One engine activated, hold for time
- All athletes MUST be seated on the tyre from start of engine to the release of the rope. Not allowed to coil the rope around the forearms or wrists for safety reasons.
- You are allowed to proceed with an “Arm over Arm” movement to secure some distance between you and the Yacht.
- The rope will be marked with 2 Red Lines ( Around 3-5 Metres apart ), you must stay within that two lines at any point of time, if you are holding near the front, you can allow it to slip back as long as it is within the 2 lines. At any point if you release the rope completely, go too far forwards or backwards past the lines, you timing stops.
Equipment Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Knee/Elbow Sleeves, Wrist/Knee Wraps, Chalk
Call Sequence: Athlete Ready, Judges Ready, Go

Death By Atlas - Stone over Bar
110.00 KG, 120.00 KG, 130.00 KG, 140.00 KG, 150.00 KG, 160.00 KG, 180.00 KG, 200.00 KG, 220.00 KG
Definitely the last event (Day 2 Evening)
- Athletes will take turns to load the first stone over bar. Athletes who fail along the way will drop-out. Once first stone has been attempted by everyone, the second stone will proceed with the same format. Rest-time will shorten for remaining athletes on the field.
- Men’s Open will start at 150.00 KG.
- Athletes can adjust the stone for 15 seconds before-hand.
- Each athlete only has 1 attempt.
- Each attempt will last for a maximum of 45 seconds.
Ranking based on order of failure.
If more than 1 athlete successfully lifts 220KG, a 220KG rep-off will commence with X number of athletes until there is only one person left standing.
Equipment Allowed: Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Tacky, Elbow/ Knee Sleeves, Stone Sleeves
Call Sequence: Both Palms on top of stone. Athlete Ready, Judges Ready, Go
Warm Up Stones in Ballroom (Chalk Only): 40KG, 60KG, 80KG, 100KG, 120KG, 140KG

- To determine 1st/2nd/3rd standings
- Two hands on one block
- If there are a few athletes joint for 3rd place, they will participate this event as well.
- There will not be joint-winners at the end of the competition.
- Block Grip forward hold for time
- Similar to a hammer hold – Athletes will have to hold with their palms against the top facing side of the block.
- Extra weight attached to loading pin: 15KG (Women)/ 20KG (Amateurs) / 25KG (Men’s Open)
Featured Athletes


Nadia Stowers

Barbara Mattos

Aurelien Le Jeune

Emmajane Smith

Vijit Sood

Suhani Gandhi

Adam Marshall

Bailey Cloherty

George Paunovic

Interested to Compete?
Check out our exciting prize table below and get ready to compete for glory!
Men's Open
SGD 3000 Prize + Trophy
SGD 2000 Prize + Trophy
SGD 1000 Prize + Trophy
Women's Open
SGD 3000 Prize + Trophy
SGD 2000 Prize + Trophy
SGD 1000 Prize + Trophy
Invited Amateurs
SGD 1000 Prize + Medal
SGD 600 Prize + Medal
SGD 300 Prize + Medal
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